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In a harshly matriarchal ancient world of fantasy, a young woman's faith challenges an oppressive tradition. Today is Jesika’s seventeenth birthday. She will be admitted to the Holy Order of Relic Keepers. While this should be a time of celebration, Jesika is troubled. She has been having disturbing dreams that challenge her society’s belief that women were made to rule over men. This story is a look at human history through the lens of fantasy. The experience of women in patriarchal societies is reflected in a mirror that is turned upside-down. What might the ancient world have looked like if women ruled over men in the name of a female God? What if male voices were silenced in the name of religion? The author explores these questions in a spell-binding tale about a young woman who must decide if she will follow tradition or have the courage to follow her faith and her conscience, wherever that path may lead.
Women in some churches today are given false information about "submission," "headship" and “divorce.” Abusive men take advantage of these harmful mistranslations and misinterpretations of the Bible to justify their violent and controlling behavior. In this book, the authors wish to educate abused women, church communities and domestic violence services about these harmful misinterpretations of the Bible. The authors also address the following topics: destructive codependent teachings, identifying and responding to abuse, why men abuse, and the danger of enabling abuse to continue. It is important that church leaders not avoid the topic of domestic violence, but take a leadership role in educating their congregations about abuse, and the importance of equal, loving and respectful relationships. A victim's faith and the support of her church community can be vital to her healing process. Shelters and other domestic violence services can also be vital in providing safety, information and support. It is important that churches and domestic violence services work together, so that abused women of faith can find both freedom and hope.
Influenced by the patriarchy of Roman culture and ancient Greek philosophy, church leaders in the 3rd and 4th centuries began to translate and interpret the Bible with a systematic bias against women. This bias was carried over into the Protestant Reformation, and it continues to influence how the Bible is read and understood today. This workbook was written to help readers identify and remove patriarchal bias from Bible translation and commentary. As this bias is removed, it will become clear that far from being the will of God, patriarchy is a human tradition rooted in prejudice. This workbook also focuses on helping women to recover from the harmful effects of patriarchy. To help with the recovery process, the following topics are explored: overcoming the lies of shame • suffering • the grief process • patriarchy and domestic abuse • rejecting patriarchal stereotypes • managing triggers • setting boundaries • freedom from codependence • healthy egalitarian relationships • communication and problem-solving • overcoming negative patterns in relationships • living in balance. Women are encouraged to be empowered by God to bring healing and freedom to the world in Jesus’ name.
Patriarchy (the male domination of women) is an oppressive cultural norm with a history that predates Christianity. Fortunately, it is fading from our global community. Unfortunately, it persists in the religious traditions of some corners of the institutional church. This book examines how patriarchy became enshrined in church tradition, both Catholic and Protestant. It also explores why male domination continues to oppress women in the church today. It concludes by offering women and men an egalitarian alternative to patriarchy, best exemplified by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. In this second edition of the book, the author delves more deeply into issues related to Bible translation and the cultural context of the New Testament church.
The apostle Paul's first letter to Timothy is an urgent warning against a form of false teaching that was finding its way into the church community of Ephesus. Latin translations of Paul's letter from the 4th and 16th centuries suggest that he was concerned about women exercising "dominion" or "authority" over men in the church. Many of today's English translations of the Bible have been strongly influenced by this Latin tradition. In this book, the author examines ancient Greek manuscripts of the Bible, as well as Roman law, and historical accounts written between the 2nd century B.C and the 3rd century A.D.. All of these sources provide compelling evidence that Paul's original concern was not about female authority. Rather, it appears that he was warning Timothy to guard the gospel message against beliefs and practices associated with ascetic cults in Asia Minor. In this second edition of the book, the author shares additional research to help identify the specific nature of Paul's concerns.
Throughout history, prominent theologians and church leaders have made sense of the Bible through the interpretive lenses of ancient Greek philosophy. As a result, our traditional beliefs often portray God as an all-controlling deity that frowns on emotion and subjects women to male authority. Throughout this book, the author explores the origins of these theological traditions, and seeks to restore a vision of God as depicted in the New Testament -- a vision of God as Love.
Was Jesus the Messiah?
What was the significance of His death and resurrection?
What will happen when He returns?
How can we be prepared for His coming?
How does God respond to injustice?
Is there hope for humanity?
In "Jesus the Messiah: His Atonement and Return," the author shares what Jesus, the apostles and the Old Testament prophets had to say in answer to these important questions.
Helga and Bob Edwards have been married since 1988. They have been Therapists and Public Speakers since 1996. Both have Bachelor's degrees in Religious Education and Social Development Studies, as well as Master's degrees in Social Work. In 2013, they each received the Delta Epsilon Chi Award for Intellectual Achievement, Christian Character and Leadership Ability, from the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Their hope is to use the gifts and training that God has given them to help people experience freedom and wholeness in their lives.